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So Much Vintage, So Little Time

To say the least, my weekend was extremely busy! I've been planning odds and ends for my wedding, and thank goodness it is almost done! Now late October needs to get here so I can not worry about wedding stuff anymore!

Luckily, during my crazy weekend I was able to stop by two local Goodwill's to scope out antiques! I found a couple of amazing finds and will post them later on today, so keep an eye out for those!

In other news, my fiance finally finished a house project that has been waiting to be finished! We redid the floor in the main part of our house, and had to redo the trim. Thank goodness it is all done! I'm excited for Christmas, because it will feel like home again!

I hope everyone had a good weekend, and I look forward to sharing photos of the antiques I find with you later today!

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